Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Chiar daca am plecat din Romania din cauza circumstantelor, mereu imi aduc aminte cu drag de clipele petrecute impreuna cu oameni dragi. Am plecat cu greu spre Italia cand abia aveam 9 ani si acum la 26 de ani mai departe, spre America. Imi cer scuze daca gramatical o sa gresesc. Nu imi pare rau ca am plecat, deoarece din pacate tara noastra nu ne ofera prea multe posibilitati, multa coruptie, locuri de munca prost platite si speranta de un viitor mai bun nici pe departe, dar imi pare rau ca nu am putut sa raman si ca vremurile s-au schimbat, cel putin am amintiri care as dori sa le impart cu voi si sunt convinsa ca majoritatea o sa isi aduca aminte de unele lucruri. Stiu ca mai sunt oameni care continua sa se descurce si ii admir foarte mult deoarece au avut curajul sa ramana si sa nu plece din frumoasa noastra tara.
Da, frumoasa Romania, deoarece vreau sa va spun ca ma gandesc mereu cu drag la aceasta tara si am niste amintiri frumoase care, sper intr-o buna zi sa le pot retrai.

Pot sa observ foarte usor, chiar daca sunt la mii de km departare ca, inca mai sunt tineri care vor sa pastreze unele traditii de mult apuse, care vor sa faca in asa fel incat lucrurile de odinioara sa nu se piarda si ma bucur nespus de mult deoarece prin astfel de oameni mai putem si noi sa privim la Romania de altadata. 
Cand eram mica, imi aduc aminte cu drag cum mergeam cu bunica mea la fan, la greblat, la facut de capiti. Erau vremuri foarte frumoase, eram fara ganduri, munceam sa ii ajutam pe cei mai invarsta, bucurosi cand luam cate o pauza la umbra nucului, mancand cate o bucata de paine cu unsoare, ceapa si rosii (mancare BIO cu adevarat). Si ce ne mai radeam noi cand venea cate o ploaie de vara si trebuia sa ne grabim sa terminam munca, bunica inca sus pe claie, urland la bunicu sa se grabeasca. Dintr-o data ploaia ne uda si noi inca ne jucam, bucurosi.

 Imi aduc aminte cand stateam cu bunicii la desfacat de malai, intr-o camera din fata casei, unde nimeni nu mai locuia deoarece copii deja erau la casele lor. In acele momente ma simteam ca traiesc si eu povestiile bunicilor mei, povesti de dragoste, povesti de cum sa iti castigi existenta si mai ales RESPECTUL, acest lucru ce in societatea noastra nu prea se mai promoveaza. RESPECTUL fata de parinti, respectul fata de aproapele tau, chiar si fata de animalul din curtea ta. Mamea mea imi spunea ca, bunicul ii inculcase aceasta forma de Respect ca pana si la caine ii spunea 'dumneavoastra'...ce dragut 'dv-stra caine'! Desfacatoarea care o foloseam era infasurata in carpe ca sa nu te doara mainile, dar binenteles la un momentdat tot faceai bataturi, dar ne placea deoarece puteam sta cu bunicii sa le aratam ce muncitori eram si noi.

Sa nu mai zic de atunci cand am invatat sa mulg si eu vacuta, parca eram inainte de un test la facultate, plina de emotii, am luat scaunelul ce bunica il tinea in colesna si l-am pus si eu frumos langa Bori(numele vacutei), scaunel acoperit de un strat de ceara de la atata folosire. Am pus si eu ambele maini pe tatele vacutei si am inceput sa trag dar ce sa vezi vacuta nimic...apoi bunica mi-a spus ca vacuta te simte, deci daca nu stii cum sa faci ea nu iti va da laptele, binenteles trebuia sa stii si cu ce inclinatie sa manevrezi situatia dar asta am invatat pe parcurs. Si ce comica era bunica, cand printre picioarele vacii se mai plimba si pisica care astepta bineinteles un pic de laptic, bunica indrepta spre ea si direct laptele in gura ei.

Aceasta e imaginea din mintea mea cu bunica, un cojocel in spate, batic negru pe cap si muncind mereu...femeie harnica care nu statea un pic locului.

Dupa ce bunica mulgea vacuta, pregateam laptele, il stracuram, il puneam in flacoane de plastic, intr-o plasa de rafie si mergeam la oameni sa il impartim, asa mai facea bunica un ban saraca, nu ca ar fi avut nevoie dar ii placea sa munceasca...imi placeau acele momente cand mergeam la vecini, la neamuri, mereu ne opream cateva clipe la discutii si iarna, cand era frig afara, ce bine ne prindea sa intram intr-o casa calda. 
De asemenea, bunicii mei tineau, ca si oricare alt om, slanina, carnati si alte afumaturi in podul casei lor...mereu era o aventura sa urcam acolo,o scara din lemn, intuneric bezna, decat lumina de la o tigla mutata ne mai ajuta;nu stiai niciodata de ce o sa dai, dar ne placea sa urcam acolo si sa controlam ce e mai nou...totul parea minunat, parca descopeream comori. 

Ce frumos era iarna cand se taia porcul, o adevarata petrecere...veneau toti vecinii, deoarece la randul tau si tu te-ai fi dus la ei...se parjolea porcul, se taia si impartea fiecare parte, totul era folositor, nimic nu se arunca. Chiar imi amintesc ca bunica mea facea si 'sapun de casa' cum zicea ea, cu grasime de porc si soda caustica. Oameni gospodari care stiau sa se descurce cu orice.

Imi placea nespus de mult mirosul de iarna, acele momente cand simteai mirosul frigului, imbinat cu miros de foc ce iesea din hornul caselor, si vinul cald cu scortisoara. 

Cu drag bunica, in zilele reci ne aduna pe langa spor si ne zicea sa punem picioarele deasupra sa ne incalzim, ce bine ne simteam atunci, nu ne mai trebuia nimic. Si din bloudarul sporului pisica torcea.
Apoi ne preagatea cu drag tocana(mamaliga), invartea si invartea, il mai chema din cand in cand pe bunicu sa o ajute si cand era gata,intorcea tocana pe un blat de lemn. Vroiam sa luam imediat din ea dar ne zicea sa asteptam sa se intareasca putin si sa se raceasca sa nu ne doara pantecele(burtica) si apoi ne-o impartea la fiecare. 

Imi aduc aminte ca si cum ar fi fost ieri, cand in veriile calduroase trageam un pui de somn in casa racoroasa a bunicii din spatele casei. Se auzea ceasul care ticaia mereu dar imi dadea o liniste incredibila. Stateam la spatele bunicii mele dar nu puteam sa adorm; ea in schimb cum punea capul jos cum adormea, dar inainte ma punea sa o 'frac pe spate', ce ii mai placea! Intr-un final adormeam si eu, uitandu-ma pe geamul de langa pat. 

Bunica mea a avut o sora, matusa Taca, avea o casuta foarte mica, era singura si imi era foarte mila de ea, o femeie foarte mare la statura dar care, din cate imi aduc eu aminte statea zacand la pat; singura ei activitate era tasutul. Statea destul de departe de noi si cand mergeam cu bunica pe jos imi parea o eternitate. Dar mereu imi placea sa stau sa le ascult cum se intelegeau ele doua,cum vorbeau de oamenii din sat,ce au mai facut neamurile, ce se mai vindea in piat iar apoi imi arata si mie cum se tese si asteptam cu nerabdare sa ma lase si pe mine sa folosesc acele masinarii. O lume complicata in ochii mei pe acele vremuri, dar imi aduc aminte cu drag si dor.

De asemenea in colesna bunicilor se afla si moara de macinat, ce galagie mai facea, dar uite asa isi faceau ei singuri faina. Cand ma gandesc cate lucruri aveau nevoie pentru asi procura cele necesare, dar se descurcau mereu; azi totul sa simplificat bineinteles, nu as putea sa ma gandesc cum ar fi sa trebuiasca sa ne facem rost noi singuri de un aliment asa simplu, faina. Ar trebui sa muncim din greu si sunt convinsa ca erau mult mai apreciate toate lucrurile de demult deoarece depuneai efort pentru a le obtine.

Ar fi multe de povestit dar dorul ma apasa...vremuri frumoase, de neuitat,cu drag o sa le pastrez in inima mea, asteptand ziua in care voi putea pasii din nou in tara mea. 

Friday, November 18, 2016


Let's talk about men now, because they also need to be the center of attention sometimes, if not, "who can hear them? " I want to share this with you because I have a very cute husband, which I love to dress for every occasion and, thankfully, he listens to me...He doesn't care too much about fashion, so I'm happy to do it for him because I want to have a well-dressed man and, in some occasions, I think  it's pretty important. Though, I do have days when I just want to be comfortable and  it is then that I allow him to wear what he wants.
Anyways, I really like the Italian style for sure, though it can appear too tight, but of course you can choose the style in a comfortable size. I can say here in America I really have to search a lot for my husband what I really want; yes, you can find the Italian brands but they cost a lot. We don't want to spend all the money on clothes but I still want to dress him nice. 
I think your style has to reflect your personality, so don't wear something which does't make you feel comfortable. 

I think it's very important to follow some RULES, such as the following:

                1. Don't wear a plain shirt with a striped jacket and vice versa;

                              2. The pocket scarf should not be the same color as the tie;

3. When making your tie knot, whatever the style, make sure it's medium size, not too small, not too huge;

                                                     4. Match up fancy ties with plain-colored shirts;

5. The tie should match with the shirt, not with the suit. If you are new to being fashionable, you can avoid hazards in this regard by making the following tie choices: solid, spotted or striped, or a small repeating pattern;

6. Try not to imitate the look of famous people; here I emphasize the concept that the dress be customized to you. Insecure people seek safety by imitating what has been proposed by the multichannel WC. But the VIPs are VIPs, and you are you. A celebrity, even wearing a garbage bag, in the worst case scenario will be labeled as eccentric. While you, if you put on the same garbage bag, will be simply labeled garbage;

 7. Around the house, you can wear sportswear, so that you can feel more comfortable and be able to easily carry out household tasks. Obviously, this is permitted only if you do not expect guests. This type of wear is in fact used only for housework and physical activity, including walking fast on the shoreline. Do not welcome guests in overalls or come out with this for shopping, coffee, or breakfast;

8. Avoid in any shape or form, short socks, especially white ones. The color of this must be tuned with the predominant color of the tie. If unsure, use colors that look good on everything such as blue or dark gray. The white should be used only for physical activity and only with gym shoes;

                                                                    9. Shoes and belts must be the same color;

10. The French philosopher Abel Dufresne said: "The insignificant person follows fashion, the presumptuous exaggeration, and that of good taste come to terms with it". 
In the choice of clothes let loose the claws - that objectively does not mean anything if you do not meet a psychological need - and check the quality of fabrics and seams, choose classic models that resist FADS and PRECISELY: get off terms with fashion, adapt it to the real possibilities of the good shape, your age, your sensitivity. Put together only two colors. The classic summer combination are blue and white, blue and red. Winter approaches are brown and beige, purple and brown, brown and dark green or pink. The black and white are combined with any other color, in particular the first is well suited to light colors. To make even easier the idea that I want to express, simply allow the seasons to determine color: in summer you use light colors, in winter dark colors.

I also love loafer shoes for men because I really think they are elegant. At the same time, you can combine them with everything casual, which give you an interesting look.

Remember: anything you wear, do it with TASTE but be YOURSELF!

Monday, November 14, 2016


You don't know what to do now that nighttime is coming at 5pm ?
I'm trying to make a list of this, but first I want to mention I just discovered an interesting activity. After an on-line search and some friends' recommendations I can say SEWING is pretty interesting, and it helps me with patience cause I'm a little to speedy in everything.
This Boho sew kit, which I just bought from Barn&Nobles, is interesting...Some say boho goes as far back as the nomadic gypsy of India, whose style spread through Europe - especially France, and eventually made its way to America, where it was picked up by the hippie movement of the '60s and '70s. Boho has never really gone out of fashion and remains floaty and free-fitting with exotic elements.
Generally associated with creative folks, and artists, boho design from an embroidery point of view features an abundance of satin stitch. But the beauty of hand over machine embroidery is that you're able to use many more interesting stitches to create the designs.
As with anything you do, ENJOYING the process is the KEY: if you are having fun, you'll keep doing it. And naturally the more embroidery you do, the better you'll become. If you like a challenge and striving for perfect stitching is part of the fun for you, there are a few things you can do to make it not only easier to feel satisfied with your embroidery but also help you improve over time.
Try doing your embroidery work in a few different locations - on the couch or in an armchair, at a table or desk- to see where you're most comfortable. Take note of your posture; try to sit in such a way that you minimize the strain on your neck, back, and shoulders. Most of all, keep having fun.

                        An idea...of where you can apply some of your designs!!!

Did you ever think about what to do with certain random things lying around the house after you have used them and you have no use for them anymore? Did you ever think that you can reuse some things to create other things? A home decor object, a gift, something practical...with ARTS and CRAFT you can use all your imagination to create things.
For example, STRING ART; results achieved can be simply stunning. It's a craft the whole family can get involved with. You can create a collection of easy projects including Hearts, Kids Names, even a "Home Sweet Home" sign to name a few.

Don't throw out you're old magazines! Surprisingly, there are tons of crafts you can make with colorful & glossy pages of magazines. So, if you've got a few in your home, turn them into something beautiful! Have fun crafting and creating!!

If you've been wondering what to do with all those random pins and button badges in a box, this can be an project for you! 

A very popular activity among some has been... COLORING books!!! Which is a pretty relaxing activity...I recommend it!!

I was thinking what to do with my wedding accessories and then I found some ideas with the SHADOWBOX, which I think is a great option because you can keep everything together and it's also nice to see as home decor or to keep as a nice memory. 

I really want to start doing a RECYCLE CRAFT project for my home because I think it's important. If you can and you have the ideas, don't throw everything but maybe reinvent the objects. The result? An eco-friendly lifestyle. Here I have some ideas:

Then you can invite your friends over and do a puzzle together. Put it in a frame after you guys are finished!!

You can have a lot of fun and enjoy many creative activities...Just use your imagination and bring your friends together!!!! HAVE FUN!!!