Monday, December 10, 2018



SPACE: This cozy living/dining room is a perfect space for a mountain view. It makes you feel secure and comfortable when you glimpse the masterpiece of the room: the fireplace. Additionally, the big windows make the space airy and bright.
LINE: Even if we clearly see different type of lines in this room, the vertical wall surrounding the fireplace gives to the piece dignity for the choice of materials. The horizontal lines of the beams running through the ceiling combined with the diagonal lines on the herringbone parquet bring movement and direction to the room.
SHAPE: The space has a geometric aspect; the height exposed ceiling creates an open bright space. The composition of the ceiling reminds of nature and, as a result, has a nature-feel to it. The rock on the fireplace wall is an important piece in contrast with the wood shelf and all the other wood finishes. 
COLOR: The colors of the shades in the room create a cold environment, which relates well with the white snow of the mountain, brought inside. The color of the wood ceiling as well as the parquet and the choice of the textile furniture create a sense of elegance. The basic color is the neutral beige scale, which is a safe color. The different color shades of the ceiling lend some confusion to the eyes, but it is immediately stopped when one sees the black steel beams.
TEXTURE: The choice of the wood table is nicely matches the plain texture of the seats and the plain texture of the couch. The wall gives me a sense of rough texture in contrast with the smooth parquet or the other surfaces. The chandeliers, each made of a different construction, one, a natural branches look and, the other one, of elegant and sophisticated stones, create a sense of confusion. The noticeable difference between the two might be creating an image of too much going on though.
LIGHT: We have two different kind of lights: a natural one coming from the large windows and then an artificial one coming from the warm fireplace, the big chandeliers, and the lamps, which can create an intimate space when getting dark. I notice how the chandeliers are positioned near the dinning table, which make sense in order to have more light in that area for dining. At the same time, if you choose to have a cozy intimate moment on the couches,  you may utilize the table lamps or just the light emanating from the fireplace.
PATTERN: The visual impact of this room is definitively centered in the fireplace, which creates a rustic style in between the wood ceiling, parquet and other wood surfaces. The chandeliers also play an important role in the space blending with the environment. The black steel beams also define a line of space, which gives a sense of grandeur and stability.
BALANCE: I can definitely see a symmetry in this area from the arrangement of the furniture, which portray a feeling of calmness, and the choice of colors, but also a sense of asymmetry thanks to the materials and the sense of lines used, which creates movement and spontaneity. The balance in this room is created by the high ceilings and the exposed beams (feeling of stability). The chandeliers also lend to the balance in the room. 
RHYTHM/REPETITION: This open space has even rows of panels and lighting. The repetition of colors is evident in most of the space, the beige/white of the panels ceiling in proportion with the parquet, the couch, chairs, lamps. I would label this rhythm a soft piano jazz with a bit of drums on the side. The repetition of materials is also evident even if in different lines, like the wood or the textile material of the chairs with the couch.
EMPHASIS: The focal point of this room is the fireplace wall which includes a different kind of material surface in contrast with the wood but nicely combined with the wood shelf, the two leaf accessories, and the central painting. 
PROPORTION and SCALE: The high ceiling with the big windows are a relevant part in the room in contrast with the human scale. The chandeliers are an integral part of the feeling for their grandeur in proportion with the other furniture. I can see a good choice of accessories/decorations while considering the chandeliers a focal point of them.
HARMONY: I can conclude my examination of this room by pointing out that all the choices nicely combine in a harmonious,  cozy, elegant, intimate, rustic, and bright space. All the materials fit very well for the environment: the wood ceiling panels with the wood parquet harmoniously combine with the textile materials of the chairs, couches and cushions, the rock wall of the fireplace, and the black steel beams. A rustic elegant chalet for a relaxing mountain vacation feeling!


SPACE: This restaurant is very elegant, modern and suggests a sense of intimacy from the dark colors and soft lights. The space is divided in more areas: a private one on the side of the room and the end of it, and a socializing one at the bar.
LINE: The vertical lines of the panels give to the space a strength, dignity, and a formal atmosphere. The division of the areas are visible thanks to the curtains and the contrasting materials from one space to the other. The thin lines of the panels give to the space a sense of elegance and lightness; the vertical block shelves also lead your eyes from the bottom to the top and vice-versa.
SHAPE: One can definitely see a geometric shape to this area from the block shelves to the back panel wall. The curtains are lend to the space the illusion of being higher than it actually is. Part of the structure is hidden back just to create another space, a more private, intimate one. The composition of most of the walls, concrete, employ a plain look that are in contrast with the panel wall in the back but a nice alternative, even with the curtains and the herringbone parquet creating a bit of movement. The lines of the light fixtures match the panel wall in the back.
COLOR: The choice of the colors in this room create a modern/minimalist look. The dark walls are in contrast with the parquet, a decision that I agree with as it creates a better visual separation of each element. The dark colors creates an intimate space; the right feeling for a private dinner but the option of the big lights give the chance of creating a different feeling during lunch time or other parts of the day. One can also see spots of green which give to the environment a touch of nature in contrast with the cold element of the concrete. The different shades of the parquet create movement in proportion with the plain walls and curtains.
TEXTURE: The feeling of the space is sophisticated and formal as a result of the the ambient restaurant. but  it also has an urban modern look to it. The choice of the panels, wood accessories, parquet, and the texture of the couches and chairs gives us a sense of nature mixed with a cozy space in a relaxing area.
LIGHT: We do have the long windows on the side for the natural daylight, which make the space comfortable for breakfast/brunch/lunch or for a simple business meeting. On the other side, we have artificial lights on the panels which create an intensity or intimacy for the space. Though they are not very bright, they have a sophisticated feel to them and are not invasive to the eyes. This kind of light creates highlights and shadows, the right touch for a formal place such as this one.
PATTERN: The panel wall is definitely the first pattern that one's eyes are attracted to when looking at this picture in addition to the big lights. The choice of both sides of the block shelves with the similar furnishing and accessories create a sense of balance. The division of the space is made well by the regular curtains from the ceiling to the bottom of the floor and also the division from one window to the other.
BALANCE: I can see a balance on both sides of the room with the box shelves, but also an informal balance caused by the difference of the accessories used in the shelves, a casual, relaxed feeling creating movement and spontaneity. We also have the giant lights in a relatively small area with a tall ceiling, high shelves, and, from top to bottom, the curtains which create that balance and equilibrium for the space.
RHYTHM and REPETITION: We have the repetition of the lights which are placed in a sequential line, creating a visual link with which the eye can follow and allowing the eye to move from one part of the design to the other. There is also a rhythm to the windows alternating with the curtains and a pattern to the table and chairs which brings the movement of the eyes again from one side of the room to the other. The repetition of the panel walls form a background embellished with the big central lights. Since pattern and repetition are related we have the herringbone parquet flooring which adds pattern to the space.
EMPHASIS: I would say the the focal point of the area is the big repetition of lights, which are big, draw attention, and in rows around the room. This easily draws the attention of the eyes and has one looking around the room.
PROPORTION and SCALE: We have again the big lights, which pop when one looks at them relative to the other small accessories or furniture. They create a balance with the tall windows/ceiling/curtains. The perception of the lights give us a sense of big suspended objects on the top of our heads.
HARMONY: In the end, the harmony of this room was helped by the dark colors to the big lights, the touch of green, and an insert of wood pieces creating an urban modern look with a touch of sleek and nature inspired feelings. All the elements nicely work together, creating a relationship with the space and structure.


SPACE: A simple, square bedroom with a dark wall that gives a sense of cold space but nicely combined with the parquet and flowers which, make the room warmer. The look of the room is modern, sophisticated, and industrial.
LINE: Vertical lines are used for the headboard as well as for the flooring. The vertical lines suggest a feeling of dignity in this case, making the bed the centerpiece of the room.
SHAPE: The shape of the fixtures and the curtains hanging high at the top of the wall create the illusion of larger windows, even though the windows are big as is. The window sills are not deep which helps in creating the sense of a more cozy, romantic room. The materials of the walls have an industrial look to them. The nice horizontal parquet bring the eye to the window creating a visual point to it. The shape of the headboard matches the vertical suspended lights.
COLOR: I really like the combination of the room colors; the simple neutral walls match the shades of the parquet in contrast with the choice of the green emerald bed and soft pink accessories, which also match the green flowers on the window. The long suspended lights with the small one on the headboard create an intimate atmosphere, the soft touch for a dark night!
TEXTURE: The polished plaster of the wall give a look akin to a polished marble finish, creating a smooth surface with the illusion of depth and texture. The texture of the furniture give the place a nice touch of modern romantic sophistication, and the thickness give to the piece an important attention. The carpet has almost a faux-furry look to it and the horizontal parquet a restful, informal casual look.
LIGHT: The big window brings a lot of natural light during the early morning, which can be altered with the curtain, making the light more intense by moving them to the end of the room or less intense by moving them to the center of the window. The artificial lights can be controlled to create the illusion of a morning light using the four smaller lights in the room. At the same time, a soft and warm ambiance can be created using the small light on the headboard say for when you want to read a book, for example.
PATTERN: The modern textile, velvet, ruffled bed creates a pattern thanks to the repetition of the vertical impressions on it; the headboard accentuates its height and gives a classy elegant feeling. The shadows on the wall create a kind of pattern with an illusion of depth and texture.
BALANCE: All the elements are balanced on an asymmetrical way to create the right equality. The big window balanced with the big bed. There is also an informal balance caused, on one side, by the suspended lights and, on the other side, by a different style of light and accessories. Big flowers with small flowers create a balance for the eye and give the possibility for the light to come in at different shades.
RHYTHM/REPETITION: Repetition of texture in the headboard accentuates its height, creating an imposing piece. The repetition of the suspended lights, having the same style but using different lengths, create a bit of movement. Repetition of the flooring panels gives us a sense of restful, casual feeling and leads the eye from one point to another. 
EMPHASIS: The focal point of the room is the bed, more specifically, the headboard and the color which makes a good impression to the eyes the first time one sees it. You are not going to notice the walls, the parquet, or other aspects of the room before noticing that centerpiece: the BED!
PROPORTION and SCALE: All the elements are proportional to the space: low ceiling, small lights, big windows and big furniture. One big object, the bed, balances the proportion in the room since it is one of the few pieces of furniture.
HARMONY: The harmony in this area can be seen from the big centerpiece of the bed to the minimal but useful furniture, like the chair or the mirror, the soft pink curtains matching the emerald green to the choice of beige shades to match the parquet, the wall and the blanket. The touch of the room is beautified by some greenery and a romantic white vase with cherry blossoms.

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