Tuesday, November 21, 2017


This year, 2017, Black Friday is going to start the 24th of November, but you have probably seen on TV commercials that many stores and on-line merchants are starting their sales before Friday, continuing several days past as well. We know, for many, Black Friday is the start of Christmas gift shopping but, at the same time, people are just waiting for this time of the year to make some deals. Obviously, for some, it can be an exciting time of the year, for others, not too much attention is paid to these sales. I can say I'm probably one of those individuals who don't care too much about doing my shopping in-store, I prefer doing on-line shopping.
So, let's take a look and see how to be prepared for this upcoming weekend.

1. INFO - First of all, I suggest choosing the stores, beforehand, that you are interested in and making sure you know exactly when they open and close. Being inquire is the best way to start, especially since many are agitated during that time of the year.

2. BUDGET - You have to be sure of how much money you have available for Friday and, subsequently, of how much you can afford for gifts for others, or just for yourself. Make sure you do not go over-budget because if you do...you will shed some tears later :-)

3. MAKE A LIST - I think the best way to spend what you have been saving is to make a list of all the stuff you are going to need or the presents you'll need to buy. On the right of every item listed, you can put the maximum amount you can afford. This way, you can have a running total of everything and MAKE SURE YOU DON'T GO OVER.

4. ON-LINE SHOPPING - Some people are afraid of shopping on-line, especially on Black Friday, because of the fear of getting caught up in some kind of credit-card fraud; so, most people prefer their shopping physically in store. You can safely consider on-line shopping the alternative as long as you make sure the site you are using are good ones. Read the reviews and look out for anything that appears unusual. I normally prefer reading all reviews just to see if I there is anything suspect. If there is, I just go to another site.

5. PREPARE TO STAND IN LINE - No matter how much you think or hope that there will not be too many people at the stores you have chosen, be prepared with some games on your phone or stuff to do on your tablet cause you WILL stand in line for sure...some snacks might help you sanity too :-) Or you can also check the on line discounts and be ready for any opportunities that might arise online instead.

6. STAY AWAY FROM IMPULSE PURCHASES - There's a variety of items to avoid on this day. The impulse is going to be high so when you feel you want something but don't actually need it, just walking away without giving it much thought can help you to not buy said object.

7. LEAVE THE CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS AT HOME - Better if you are able to bring cash with you...this way for sure you are not going to go over your budget.

8. BE KIND - Store employees have to face long lines, temperamental customers and coworkers who have no desire to work that day. You will not be able to control the people acting like maniacs around you, but you can make the difference and be kind...if all people were to think this way, maybe Black Friday day would not be stressful for anyone.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


It's been a long time since I posted anything; so many things were happening in the meantime. Today, I decided to talk a little bit about some amazing products that were introduced to me. I was always cautious when it came to trying any kind of new products but then one of my friends gave me some to try. To my surprise, I really liked them and saw the difference on my skin after using them...later, I discovered I could also start a business with these products. So, I decided to give it a chance.

                                                                First of all, let's talk about the COMPANY itself

Atomy Co. is a distribution company that primarily distributes products produced by Kolmar BNH(SBT), which was founded by the combination of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI) and Kolmar Korea. The products are the skincare line and HemoHim(Health Supplement), along with other daily household necessities.
The company is provides a variety of products and intends to grow into an exclusive distribution hub.

Established in 2009, Atomy has expanded globally beginning with the U.S., Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Mexico, and Thailand with active sales in progress, Atomy Co. is currently progressing into the global market and becoming a true global marketing company.
Atomy is trying to allow customers to experience the quality of the products first-hand, without any kind of commercial advertisement, using just the agents (I'm going to talk about this in detail a little later and how you can become one of them if you are interested in the business).

Atomy Co. operates on a 100% costumer satisfaction guarantee policy, where they refund or exchange any products as requested by the costumers, whether used or not.
Expansion of masstige products reflect the trend in consumer consumption preference. Changing consumption preference, changing consumption patterns for premium and diversified products open up vast market growth opportunities.


Atomy is aiming to become a Premier Company.
Atomy’s Culture: 
1. Principle Centered 
2. Accompanied Growth 
3. Distribution & Sharing

The principle centered culture is to fulfill universal human values.
Culture of accompanied growth allows all subcontractors, employees, and customers to succeed together.
Lastly, the culture of sharing is righteous and balanced to establish equal distribution for everyone.

The primary target is to lower living expenses for the working class while increasing income. Stabilizing household finances is the foundation to building fundamental social stability. 

                                                          MEMBERSHIP FREE!!!

                                                               NO Online fee
                                                               NO Startup fee
                                                               NO Monthly fee
                                                               NO Annual fee

HERE YOU CAN FIND THE WEBSITE: http://www.atomy.com/us

 Atomy's MASSTIGE strategy is to provide Absolute Quality products at an Absolute Price!!!


I'm not going to talk about all of them since they have a large selection of products, but I will try to focus on the important ones. As for the rest, if you guys are interested, just check out the website.

                                                                                            Atomy HEMOHIM

HemoHim is an individually approved functional health supplement, exclusive in the safety and function of its newly developed substance. All ingredients have been individually approved by Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) as functional health supplements.
HemoHim is a new substance with special immune function that has been developed from Angelica Radix, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and PaeoniaAlba Radix through biological engineering and radiation technology.
INGREDIENT: Mixed herbal extracts(angelica radix/Korea, chaunxiong rhizoma/Korea,paeoniae japonica/Korea,aqua,honey,glyopexis,fructooligosaccharide,citric acid,guar gum,sodium alginate,vitamin B6 hydrochloride,vitamin B1 hydrochloride,vitamin B2.


                I really love this product cause it helps me with my digestive system, so I really recommend it.
                Increases helpful Lactobacilli, restrains growth of harmful bacteria, and helps with bowel movement.

                                                                                                  WHAT ARE PROBIOTICS?

The era of younger looking skin

This set is the ultimate skincare, which just came out this month, and works 100% for damaged skin, skin acne, and it has a botox effect.


Concentrated essence containing water in particles, made into a half-solid substance. It contains more essence than general felt sheets, and absorbs into the skin better.
Highly moisturizing gives refreshing and calming effects to the skin, tired of pollution and strong UV rays. 

                                                                                                             HAIR AND BODY

                                                                 ATOMY HAIR ESSENTIAL OIL 

A lightweight hair oil infused with essential oils to provide nourishing moisture for dry and brittle hair. I love this oil, I experimented with a lot of oils, especially when I was blonde and had dry hair. After coming across this one, I have come to love it and use it regularly.

                                                                               ...and many more products...


The KEY is DISTRIBUTION...You first have to enroll somebody else under you, like the pyramid system...it's important to find individuals that are consumers that are able to make points when buying. First, above all else, YOU have to know the products; you can't sell something that you are not familiar with. That's why it highly important to test these products on yourself first. Then, the rest speaks for itself.

General Commission: 44% of entire sales PV will be distributed between qualified members every week according to the rates. Individuals must first accumulate at least 10,000 PV in order to accumulate downline PVs.

Masters' Bonus: 20% of entire sales PV will be distributed according to mastership.

To became a member is very easy, you just have to complete this Membership information. If you are interested, just contact me on my email. You need a sponsor to do this, so after we put your information in the system, we will send you the log in and password. You can then easily start your shopping on line.

So, the system is very easy...when you reach 300,000 points and the people under you make on one leg 300,000 and the other leg 300,000 points, you will receive a check of $70. Once 600,000 points is reached, you will receive a check for $140. It's not very difficult to make these points since all the products have a lot of points attached to them. 

START THE BUSINESS TODAY FREE OF CHARGE AND MAKE YOUR FUTURE GREAT...WORK, WORK, and WORK, but invest your time in something which is gonna bring you SUCCESS!!!