Friday, January 13, 2017

OUR honeymoon HAWAIIAN experience

Now, I want to share with you guys my experience in Hawaii because it can be useful to those who want to travel to there.
I want to start by saying that it was for sure an unique experience but, also, I have some disappointing things to say because I was expecting to find a paradise on earth since everybody made it sound so when talking about Hawaii. When I arrived there, though, it was not exactly what I had in mind, and I thought it was some kind of desert area, an uninhabited wilderness.
We started our trip two days after our wedding leaving from Chicago and arriving in Phoenix. Then, we were supposed to fly to Kahului Maui but, of course, we lost the flight since the first flight was departed late. So, we had to wait for another flight which brought us first to Los Angeles. From there, after RUNNING in the airport to catch the next flight, we finally got there after around 15 hours. We arrived there and the first impression of the airport was that it so interesting cause it was a pretty small, open airport. There were a lot of tourists. It was very hot(which I liked), but I was exhausted. I could not wait to arrive at the hotel and sleep. Before that, we had to find a car, because you really need one in Hawaii. Also, just to drive to the hotel we needed around 40 min. We choose a not-very fancy car For 10 days we still spent around 700$ to rent the car. So guys, if you want to go there you have to have some money.

We arrived at the hotel and we had to do our check-in; I did not know anything about the the hotel, because my husband wanted to make me a surprise. I was ok with that since I like surprises.
The hotel was The HYATT REGENCY: a very nice hotel, near the ocean, very nice green spaces outside. I really enjoyed this place. They gave me an orchid necklace and, my husband, a shell necklace.

This was the bar pool of the hotel where you could take a seat and have cocktails

 Here was the open lobby...very nice with some animals too

Our room basically looked like this one

                                                                          And the ocean view from the room 

                                                        The next morning, it finally hit us, we were in Hawaii!!!

We start our morning with an all-inclusive breakfast at an amazing restaurant in front of a mini waterfall. They had amazing food; anything you wanted.

                                     After a very nice breakfast, we decided to go to the beach.

OUR WEDDING BANDS and my engagement ring 

BAYWATCH in action 

And then to the pool... in hawaiian style 

At the hotel, the concierge helped us book all the activities for the trip. They then gave us a calendar (so as not to forget) and the tickets for all the days.
That night, we choose to go out on a dinner cruise, which was a very nice experience that I recommend...cocktail party, live music and freshly prepared food and the most spectacular sunset and view.

The second day, we decided to do a helicopter tour of Maui where we saw a lot of waterfalls, forests, volcanoes, and the ocean. It was a really nice experience. If you really want to do more than just lay at the beach, this is one activity which I suggest because you really can see the amazing wonders and nature from up top; it's the only way to see the whole island.

That night, we decided to go to a LUAU Dinner. This was also an experience which you just have to try because there you can find the history of the people...and of course a lot of food. I want to also mention something about the history of LU'AU night: King Kamehameha II ordered a feast of delicacies and sat down and ate with the women and commoners. The term lu'au gradually replaced 'aha'aina. Luaus were not just regular meals, but large feasts with many people invited. It was told that at the Coronation lu'au for King Kalakaua in 1883, the tables were draped in white linens and decorated with ferns, leaves, and flowers almost covering the table linens. There were so many native guests wearing fancy fragrant leis that the sweet floral smell was almost overpowering. Royal luaus were done on a huge scale. King Kalakaua was known for his love of giving parties and his love of the hula. The name lu'au came from one of the dishes considered a delicacy. Taro leaves combined with chicken and baked in coconut milk was called lu'au. The luaus were always placed on the floor on large mats that had a centerpiece of Ti leaves. Included were pigs cooked in a underground oven all day long, bowls of Poi(mashed Taro root), dried fish, salted meats, sweet potatoes and fresh fruits. At the lu'au the Hawaiians ate all the food with their fingers. 

We really enjoyed the show, music, and dance 

New day, new adventure: Hike Maui on Haleakala Crater. We met the experts in one of the parking spaces where everybody meets and then we started our trip with the van.

The first hike was pretty good, just 2 miles at 8000 feet through native scrub forest. The tour guides gave us some energy bars, water...and a lot of pineapple (not surprising since it's everywhere) since the total hike was like 7 hours.

Here, we saw a lot of interesting fruits which you could not find everywhere else; it was a nice walk.

Then, we started our second hike, two miles at the 10000 foot summit where huge cinder cones dominate the desert-like, expansive scenery. 

This part was pretty intense. First, because we were at 10000 feet, so the air was so thin. Second, the thin air was compounded by the fact that the hike was primarily uphill. I was just stopping all the time as I didn't have the air.

But it was very nice to walk on the volcano because you could feel the warmth from the earth beneath you when you walked...and of course the amazing view. 

Back to base...that night, we were exhausted so we just picked the japanese restaurant, called JAPENGO, at the hotel and went there. 

I liked this restaurant because they had fire torches which made for a romantic dinner. Of course I opted for sushi, and my husband a kind of chicken with veggie...pretty good.

The next day, we decided to take a brake, so we  relaxed all day long at the pool. I also found a store where I could pick a book to read and, when finished, I simply brought it back and took another one...and it was free...I like the free things :-)

At the pool you could also reserve these amazing couch-chairs and the bar waiters brought you all you needed. I also received a gratis coca-cola from the bar pool just like that; I don't know why but I think the guy from the bar found me nice...another free husband sent me then on all the time alone to pick things :-)

That night we opted for the Romance Tour of the Stars, which was in the roof of the hotel. This tour started around 10pm. It involved champagne and chocolate covered strawberries and it was only for couples. 

More than 1000 years ago, voyaging Polynesians were guided to the Hawaiian Islands with the help of the stars. Now you can view those stars and much more with the help of Hyatt's Director's of Astronomy and the resort's 14-inch reflector telescope, known as "The Edge".
Nine stories up on the rooftop of the Lahaina Tower, you'll learn the names and legends of stars, planets and constellations. You'll observe them first with the unaided eye, then trough the giant astronomy binoculars. 


That day, I also took a lot of sun 

The next day, we decided to go to the waterfalls in the rain forest at the East Maui Forest Hike.
We did the following things:
  • followed two streams to waterfalls from 10 feet to 40 feet high.
  • swam in large pools underneath the waterfall(s).
  • jumped safely from waterfalls and rock ledge into the pools.
  • 6 hour tour, including 2.5-mile hike.
We arrived there with the vans. They gave us these amazing ninja-turtle shoes, which helped us in the forest, and some rain jackets.

                 We saw a lot of rain (duh! rain forest) and huge trees.

                                             We also ate some forest fruits...pretty good.

Giant LEAVES that help you protect yourself if you are stuck in the rain forest

We also had to cross a river by actually walking through it with the help of a rope.

The tour guide was crazy...he put himself into the river and just let go

Then we hiked a little bit and arrived at the waterfall...but I didn't like them too much because the water was very brown and not clear. It was pretty cold but I still jumped inside.

But not in this one :-)

Then they showed us how a kind of flower could be used as shampoo...and it really worked, trust me!

Then, that night we decided not to go anywhere so we ordered a pizza in our service!

Next day just have to do this if you are in the middle of the ocean. What is better than sun, water, fishes and much more:

  • continental breakfast with fresh island fruit 
  • barbeque lunch and fresh baked cookies
  • coffee, juice, soft drinks, wine and mai tais
  • snorkel gear 
  • naturalist led reef tour and interpretation of dolphin behaviors 

  This was our boat and after the instructions we were ready to explore the water


It was a very nice experience which you guys have to was a little bit hard, initially, to figure out how to breath in these things but we did it.

We didn't stay all day long there, so then we decided to search for some local restaurants. Some friends, who also went to Hawaii for their honeymoon, recommended us to go to a restaurant where you could eat the local fish but I do not recall the name. Anyways, I just want to mention how they call the appetizers in Hawaii: Pupu's!! I think it's just so funny, how in the world can you call it that name? I hope they have a reason :-)

The next day, we decided on horseback riding. It was very early in the morning, and I really enjoyed the ride because I really liked the horses. Though it was my husband's first time, he also enjoyed it too. An amazing view of Hawaii...riding in nature... playing with the horses. It was very nice.
Nested in the midst of unspoiled mountains, Ironwood Ranch is surrounded by country and is a remote area of Northwest Maui on private farmlands. Ironwood Ranch offers the best riding horses on Maui - clean, fit and well trained.

I had a horse called Courtney Cox and my husband's horse was David Beckham. I found it funny how they gave famous names to the horses.

After the ride, the lady which was our guide told us we could pick some fruits from the trees...that was nice.


The last day was all about ZIPLINES!!! Since I had never done it, I thought it was time to try something new and so  I said: "let's goooooooooo". We got things started at the Adventure Store located at the Fairway Shops near Ka'anapali resort area. We then hopped into one of the adventure vans and drove high up into the west Maui mountains. Amazing panoramics of the Pacific Ocean, Maui's offshore islands, and then the West Maui mountain range. So it was not just ziplining but also some hiking too, which offered a very nice panoramic view.

                                                                       Ready to gooooooooo!!!

I was thinking it was going to be more adrenalin-filled but everything ended up being pretty calm 

Quick side note, I think that summer was around when the new mobile Pokemon game came out, Pokemon Go.  So everybody everywhere was playing this game...It was upsetting at times as you saw even couples in the middle of dinner doing guess what? Searching for pokemon!!! Unbelievable!!!

And the LAAAAAST NIGHT in this amazing place, my husband had the great idea of ordering room service not champagne and strawberryies... but MILK and COOKIES, he was so excited and cute.

             And then...back to reality!! Back to Chicago as husband and wife!!!